Our treatment for Vertebral Compression Fractures (VCFs) is safe, minimally invasive, and highly effective. Without proper treatment, VCFs can cause serious complications. Kyphoplasty and Sacroplasty are the top choices for stabilizing and managing pain in unstable spinal fractures. These procedures are designed to stabilize and relieve pain in weakened or fractured vertebrae.

Our Providers are highly skilled and experienced in performing vertebral augmentation Kyphoplasty/Sacroplasty to alleviate or significantly reduce VCF pain. For over a decade, the Ramos Center has been a leader in performing these procedures, making us the most experienced team in the Sarasota/Manatee region.


Am I a candidate for Kyphoplasty/Sacroplasty?

If you are experiencing a Vertebral Compression Fracture (VCF), your provider may suggest Kyphoplasty/Sacroplasty as a potential treatment option. It’s important to note that approximately 750,000 VCFs occur each year and those who have experienced one osteoporotic VCF are at a five times greater risk of having another one. While severe pain is common, some patients may have minor or no symptoms, but the risk of additional VCFs still exists.